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Sonoran Desert

I spend winters in Southern Arizona in the midst of the Sonoran Desert ecosystem. Most people think deserts are barren, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Our desert is most famous for the Saguaro cactus, but it is very rich rich in other plant species such as Palo Vera and Mesquite trees, numerous cacti , wild flowers and other desert plants. And then there are the birds and animals. These include quail, road runners, humming birds, and on and on. Animals include coyotes, deer, bob cats, and mountain lions and javelinas. Then there are the snakes and lizards. And, of course, insects 

The Saguaro produces a beautiful flower. For the photographer, the problem is getting close to it since the blooms occur on the crown of the plant. The trick? Find one on a steep slope and approach from above, carefully!

While I realize this isn't a real Javelina, it does produce the feeling one has when you come upon one up close and personal! This guy or gal is located at the Sonoran Desert Museum.

There is water in the desert, you just need to know where to look. This is Sabino Creek in Sabino Canyon Recreation Area on the north side of Tucson. Photographers love a sky with interesting clouds, but it is often cloudless in the Tucson area as it was on this day.

One of the common plants that blooms for the better part of the year is the Brittle Brush. Here seen with some mature Suguaros in a typical scene.

OK, here are a couple of real Javelinas. They are feeding on the back tees, hole #14, the Views Golf Course. I asked them to pose but they were too busy eating.

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